About This Vineyard
Ghislaine and Jean-Hugues Goisot, like all top vignerons, recognize that great wine comes from great viticulture, and they work tirelessly in the vines to ensure that their parcels are as well treated as is possible. Their viticulture is certified organic (in conversion to biodynamic), with great pains taken to produce as natural an environment for the vines, with a goal of stimulating the natural defenses of the vines against disease and depredation. Yields are also kept very low by Saint Bris standards, in an effort to produce world class wines that defy the the late nineteenth century officials who downgraded Saint Bris and cast it from the Chablis!
The results are a bevy of beautifully made wines that have a very strong following in France and offer absolutely brilliant price to quality. The wines across the board are deep, racy and soil-driven, with as transparent an expression of underlying chalky terroir as any in Chablis proper.